Kicking goals in Sunbury NRL

Sunbury junior Max beamed when he was presented with Ieremia’s boots at the launch (Melbourne Storm/ supplied).

Former Sunbury Tiger turned Melbourne Storm player Dean Ieremia gfted a pair of his boots to a local player at the Storm Junior League launch on April 19.

The winger, who first started playing rugby with the Sunbury Tigers when he was 11 years old, was at the launch last week to kick off Victoria’s new season.

Young Sunbury junior, Max, was also at the launch and beamed with a big smile when he was presented with Ieremia’s boots.

Max’s father, Christian Bruns, said the smile on Max’s face lasted all day.

“[Max] said [he] can’t wait to grow up and be able to use them… He even wanted to bring them to training with him the next day,” Mr Bruns said.

“[Dean] also signed Max’s playing boots which now he won’t use because he does not want to lose Dean’s signature.”

Ieremia, who has been ruled out of the season with an ACL injury, said it is nice to give a keepsake to the kids coming through the NRL pathway.

“Especially when it’s in your locker and knowing that you’re not playing for the season, might as well give it to the kids, something they can cherish for the rest of their lives,” Ieremia said.

“It’s going to take him a while [to grow into the boots]… he’ll probably be faster now wearing the boots.”

With the senior season already underway, more than 200 junior teams will kick off their season on Saturday, April 29.

Zoe Moffatt