Getting crafty over a cuppa

Woodend Neighbourhood House where the group is held (Damjan Janevski). 330501_04

Woodend Neighbourhood House held their weekly craft group where residents worked on a range of projects while catching up over a cuppa.

The weekly social craft group runs every Wednesday from 10am to 2pm for people to get together and do craft while socialising.

Woodend Neighbourhood house manager Melissa Baker said the group is open to anyone and is a great way to meet new people.

“[The group is for] anyone with an interest in craft and social connection,” Ms Baker said.

“It’s a safe space to have a chat.”

Ms Baker said they usually have about four to eight people at the sessions and they bring their own projects, including; colouring and crocheting.

“It’s an Informal way to meet new people… [you can] have a cup of tea together and work on a project.”


Zoe Moffatt