Wondrous rock art

Narwarla Gabarnmang rock art (John Golling).

Romsey and Lancefield Historical Society will be holding a talk by esteemed photographer John Golling on Sunday, April 23, about his time spent capturing ancient Aboriginal art sites.

The fundraiser will take place at 1pm in the Lancefield Mechanics Institute, with the money raised going towards keeping the society running.

Society president Dimity Reed said the money raised will go towards paying rates, the electricity and publishing historical books.

“We publish a lot of books… [about] the history of different areas… including Lancefield and Romsey,” Ms Reed said.

It’s terribly important… to keep historical societies running, especially in regional communities… the history is really important.”

“There are small towns that have a milk bar and petrol station but they have a long history.”

Ms Reed said they chose Mr Golling for the talk because the society wanted to learn more about Indigenous history.

“We thought we should all know more about Indigenous history and John happened to do a large amount of work with communities in Arnhem land,” she said.

At the event, Mr Golling will talk about his time photographing sites across the north-west of Australia, which he continues to do to raise awareness for respect of these sacred places.

After the talk, attendees will get the opportunity to chat to Mr Golling about his work over afternoon tea.

Details: bit.ly/41CluX6

Zoe Moffatt