My Place

Kody Lane (Natalie Lane).

Tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Kody Lane, I am 17 years old and I have been playing darts for six years. I am currently in year 12 studying photography, in hope that one day I will be a professional photographer.

How did you get into darts?

My mum played darts before I was born and was asked to fill in when I was 11. I started going to watch and help the team by filling in the score book. In between games I had a throw and a player in the team convinced my mum to let me join the following season. She thought he was crazy considering I was only 11 years old, but turns out I could play so I joined the team and I’ve been playing darts ever since.

What has been a highlight for you while playing darts?

I have had many highlights during my darting career, including representing Victoria twice at the Australian Junior Championships, where I won Rookie of the Year and made the Australia Youth Squad.

The most memorable highlight would have to be coming top 64 in the world at the World Championships in Gibraltar in 2022. I played one of the best players from Wales and won the game four-three, which was an amazing feeling.

What did it mean to receive the sports grant from the Hume council?

When my mum told me the grant was accepted I was extremely grateful and humbled. My dad died when I was 11 years old, and it’s been hard on my mum to cover the cost of travel interstate and now internationally. We have been saving so I can fly to Queensland in May for the Junior Australian Team tryouts, and this grant will also help with the costs towards that trip.

Sponsorships are not easy to obtain and I do have a few sponsors who help me a lot, however if anyone else would like to sponsor me I would be excited to hear from anyone keen to help.

Tell us about the 2022 Junior World Darts Championships in Gibraltar, Spain?

It was a fantastic experience, being able to play the best junior players from around the world. Even though we were all there for darts, the connections and friendships I made meant a lot to me, we still talk now and encourage each other from different sides of the world.

Do you have any upcoming competitions?

I have few major competitions coming up this year, the main one is the Easter Classic at Geelong and the Australian Masters where I will compete against the women. In May I will also be competing for a spot in the Australian team to compete at the WDF World Cup in Denmark.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you?

I have also been in the Victorian Junior Squad for lawn bowls, however I gave up my position in order to focus on my darts.