Push for respite day care centre

Elsie Lange

A respite day care centre for dementia patients and their carers has been proposed in Woodend North, with residents voicing their support for the development to Macedon Ranges council last week.

At a planning meeting on Wednesday, February 8, supporters of the development described how the proposal, which would provide short-term, respite care for up to 15 people with early-stage dementia and would be beneficial to patients and carers in the community.

Included in the Macgregor’s Farm Project proposal, spearheaded by the Woodend Lifestyle Carers Group (WLCG), is the development of a caretaker’s house, providing accommodation to a permanent volunteer on site, as well as a maintenance shed.

WLGC financial planner Bob Nixon told councillors while there were ample residential aged care options in the region, there wasn’t enough support for people who care for someone at home.

“This project is ground-breaking, I don’t know of any other similar facility anywhere. We have the land, albeit in a farm zone, but with the council service’s yard as our immediate neighbour and the Barker Trailer Factory across the road, I say it’s some farm zone,” he said.

The proposed centre would provide care during the day with no overnight stay, providing care in a ‘farm style’ rural setting.

Mr Nixon said WLCG had the money to build stage one, and asked council to “recognise the fact that despite the zoning, this project is in the best interest of residents in the shire”.

The 3.9 hectare site of the proposal, gifted to WLCG, sits to the north east of the intersection of Old Lancefield and Barkers roads with views to Mount Macedon and Hanging Rock.

For nearly a decade WLCG have been working to raise funds for the project through raffles, market stalls, sausage sizzles, small grants and catering.

WLCG secretary Cherry Servis told council tat during her time caring for her husband who had dementia while experiencing the “insidious” disease herself, there was “little to no respite available” locally.

An officer recommendation will be made to council for consideration and determination at its next meeting on February 22.