Chamber Poets year draws to a close

(Gezer Amorim via pexels)

The final installment of the Macedon Ranges’ only spoken poetry event Chamber Poets will celebrate its attendees with an extended open section for writers to get up and share.

Chamber Poets said since its return in June, a diverse range of poets from the region and beyond had shared their work.

“These acclaimed poets each shared their own unique style of poetry, providing plenty of inspiration and contemplation to their audience,” Chamber Poets said.

“Haiku, lyrical, visual and poetry through song, amongst others were all a part of the tapestry of creativity on show.”

This month, from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday, December 10, poets and musicians have been invited to take part in the extended event at the Woodend RSL, with entry a donation of $5 or $10 at the discretion of the attendee.

“Some afternoons there have been more than 20 poets willing to share their words and this extended opportunity means more people than usual can participate,” Chamber Poets said.

“Each month resident band, Black Forest Smoke, has engaged the audience with their esoteric acoustic sound and quirky lyrics… Chamber Poets will return in February next year with more featured poets and opportunities for visitors to participate.

“The Chamber Poets Collective is grateful to the Woodend RSL for providing a welcoming space to gather.”