Coalition pledges $200 kids sport participation vouchers


The Liberal and Nationals Coalition has promised $200 vouchers for school enrolled kids to participate in sport, dance, scouts or other active recreation should they win the November state election.

The coalition’s Keeping Kids Moving program will give children a voucher of up to $200 each year for the next two years to use to join a sporting club, take lessons, for registration fees or to take part in other active recreational past times by approved providers.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy said reducing the financial barriers parents may face would give kids the chance to play sport who may not have had the opportunity before.

“Our Keeping Kids Moving program is a real solution in lowering the cost of sport for all Victorian children and making an active, healthy lifestyle more accessible for families,” Mr Guy said.

A coalition statement said after two years of COVID-19 restrictions it was “now more important than ever” to get children back into sport.

“Our program will reward hard-working Victorians families by giving them the financial relief they deserve and by easing hip-pocket pressures,” the coalition said.

“A capped number of vouchers (up to 500,000 per year for two years) will be available each year accessible to families across Victoria. We will work in partnership with sporting associations and active recreation organisations to maximise the benefits these vouchers provide.”

Opposition Sports spokesperson Cindy McLeish said participation in sport drastically declined as a result of two years of lockdowns and the program would address the issue, “to get our childrens’ physical and social development back on track”.

This policy is capped at $200 million over two years.