Push for World Heritage listings

Macedon Ranges has joined 12 other councils and the Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive (VGTE) to push for World Heritage listing of the Victorian Goldfields region.

The partnership has secured $500,000 from the state government to shortlist potential World Heritage sites within the region, as well as prepare a masterplan for more regional investment.

A joint statement councils and VGTE said they hope the partnership will will raise the profile of the Central Victorian Goldfields, speed up regional recovery and provide future economic, social and cultural benefits for the area through the listing.

Macedon Ranges mayor Jennifer Anderson said the Central Victorian Goldfields World Heritage bid project was supporting communities in the region to “protect valuable heritage, share stories and welcome visitors”.

“Recognition and support by the Victorian government is a huge step on the way to achieving the goal of World Heritage listing for the region,” Cr Anderson said.

“Protecting our heritage and supporting investment in the ongoing prosperity of the communities across the region is a common goal of Macedon Ranges council and the other 12 local governments involved in this project.”

Last month, Planning Minister Lizzie Blandthorn said the government would support progression of the bid, paving the way for a submission to the federal government to add the Central Victorian Goldfields onto Australia’s tentative list for World Heritage.

The partnership is co-contributing $125,000 on top of the government’s $500,000 for the planning stage of the project.

“The project includes identifying a series of ‘World Heritage Journeys’ to ensure visitors to the region will be able to explore all the region’s heritage and visitor experiences and that all communities can share the benefits of greater visitor expenditure and generate local jobs,” a joint statement from councils and VGTE said.

“Such opportunities aim to unlock the full potential of the region, broadening economic opportunities by bringing new jobs, investment, and tourism, and raising the social and economic profile of the region.

“This region represents close to half-a-million people encompassing nearly 40,000 square kilometres, a considerable, 17 per cent of the state.

“The World Heritage Listing and World Heritage Journeys have the capacity to support Victoria’s 2026 Commonwealth Games and deliver a tangible long-term legacy for the region.”

Councils joining in the partnership include:

• Macedon Ranges Shire

• Ararat Rural City

• Campaspe Shire

• Central Goldfields Shire

• City of Ballarat

• City of Greater Bendigo

• Golden Plains Shire

• Hepburn Shire

• Loddon Shire

• Moorabool Shire

• Mount Alexander Shire

• Northern Grampians Shire

• Pyrenees Shire