Sunbury SES car call-out

Sunbury SES volunteers Dieter Jankovic, Sam Vowles and Rebecca Wilkie want your old cars for rescue training. (Damjan Janevski) 304131_01

Do you have an old car sitting around, unused, or battered and bruised and collecting dust? Sunbury State Emergency Service (SES) might want it for rescue training.

Sunbury SES is one of more than 100 units across the state providing skilled road rescue services to the community, and to continue this, members need to train regularly to make sure their skills remain at the highest levels.

Sunbury SES unit deputy controller of training Alan Kuras encouraged the community to give what they can.

“We provide a high level of training and skill development, however this takes donations of cars to make this happen,” Mr Kuras said.

“We have an intense training program planned for the next six months.

“We plan on putting our people through their paces, pushing them and building on the necessary skills so that Sunbury’s SES Rescue volunteers continue to be some of the best skilled and experienced operators in the state.”

To make a donation, the unit is asking people to send through their contact details, location and status or condition of the car via email.

Details: or call or text on 0409 616 619.