Council welcomes Woodend oval upgrade

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas with Macedon Ranges council representatives and WHFNC. (Supplied)

Macedon Ranges council has welcomed state government funding for Gilbert Gordon Oval in Woodend, with the draft master plan for the precinct currently open for feedback.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas was joined by council and Woodend Hesket Football Netball Club (WHFNC) representatives when she announced $985,710 for the oval on Saturday morning.

Council said the funding would help in the construction of two compliant competition netball courts, with pedestrian circulation space and connecting pathways, lighting, scorer and players shelter, spectator shelter and seating, storage, electronic scoreboards and community facilities such as a water fountain.

Macedon Ranges mayor Jennifer Anderson said the announcement would mean better conditions for netball, and encourage greater participation to the sport across the community.

“Training and competition will be able to occur throughout the year and not be impacted by the weather as it has been for so long,” Cr Anderson said.

“We know that local sport is such a big part of community life and we need to make sure that the players, their families and the clubs have the adequate facilities they need to make playing safe, fun and enjoyable.”

Council will contribute $330,000 to the project, and the WHFNC will put in $30,000.

The draft master plan is available for public comment until November 14. Council said it is also developing a Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the proposed netball facilities site to ensure the location and design do not impact Dja Dja Wurrung cultural heritage.

In addition to the Gilbert Gordon funding, council said welcomed the $30,000 state government funding for Dixon Field in Gisborne, to allow preparation of tender documentation through the development of a detailed schematic design, plans and cost estimates for upgrading Dixon Field Soccer Pitch number two.

“This will include drainage, irrigation, a new turf surface and LED lighting. The project when completed will deliver a second full size soccer pitch at Dixon Field and provide important flexibility for training and match days,” council said.

“The funding will also provide designs for a 5-a-side synthetic soccer pitch, which will allow new programs to be delivered and some all-weather training space.”

Both announcements are a result of applications by council to the government’s 2022 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund.