A special art sale

Phoenix Macedon Ranges Art and Craft Group president Kaye Taylor-Law with her hand-painted, kiln-fired glass pieces. (Damjan Janevski) 301100_04

A pillar of the community since it rose from the Ash Wednesday bushfires, the Phoenix Macedon Ranges Art and Craft Group will again present their beloved exhibition and sale.

The event, happening December 3 and 4, will coincide with the Gisborne Olde Time Market on the Sunday – a perfect time to pick up Christmas gifts.

Group president Kaye Taylor-Law creates stunning works of hand-painted, kiln-fired glass, and said there will be a diverse range of art mediums on display.

“There will be textiles, embroidery, pottery, woodwork, card marking, oils and water colour painting, jewellery and puppets as well,” she said.

“I think it’s good for the local artists’ mental health to be able to do it in the first place.

“It’s a thrill to think that someone wants your work on their wall, and prices are very reasonable.”

Ms Taylor-Law, a Sunbury resident, uses her art to raise money for the Four Winds Cambodia project, which focuses on supporting health, education and income generation in a small Cambodian Village.

She loves the sense of community local art groups foster, encouraging new members to join the Phoenix Group too.

“It’s all about getting out there and enjoying the participation and enjoying the feeling and involvement with other people,” she said.

“It’s how you get new ideas.”

She said she thought the day would be successful, with Christmas just around the corner.

“The older you get the harder it gets, but it’s very worthwhile,” she said.

Elsie Lange