Women learning council leadership skills

A number of women aiming to take on leadership roles have begun their journey towards securing a role as a councillor or mayor in 2024 elections.

Local Government Minister Melissa Horne welcomed the first 60 participants as part of the first intake of the state government’s Women Leading Locally program on Saturday, August 20.

“Achieving gender equality in local government leadership will deliver real benefits because when you have diversity in decision-making bodies, decisions are made that better represent the needs of the community,” she said.

“This program will help break down the barriers many women face to stand for leadership positions and give them the skills and confidence to campaign in the local government elections in 2024.”

Participants took part in networking activities, mentoring sessions and also heard from Politics In Colour chief executive Kat Henaway to discuss the importance of cultural diversity in politics.

Created with support from the Gender Equality Advisory Committee [GEAC], the program has aimed to reach 50 per cent representation among councillors and mayors by 2025.

Delivered over two years, 120 women would be supported through the program, with participants to also gain connections and tools to campaign as candidates in the next local government elections.

The next round of the leadership program for the remaining 60 women has been scheduled to begin in early 2023.

Details: localgovernment.vic.gov.au