Accessibility welcomed


Elsie Lange

A local tourism operator has welcomed the state government’s plan to make tourist destinations, community facilities and public spaces more accessible for people with a disability.

The government’s 2022 Changing Places funding round is now open, providing $5.4 million to build 30 fully accessible changing facilities across the state, each one with a height-adjustable, adult-sized changing bench, a tracking hoist system and enough space for two people.

Macedon Ranges Accommodation Association president Andrew Towner, who also owns Braeside Mount Macedon Country Retreat, said he welcomes any funding opportunities to increase accessibility in regional Victoria.

“Sometimes these areas can be overlooked and it’s high time that this issue is addressed,” Mr Towner said.

In a statement, the government said funding of up to $180,000 is available to local governments and popular tourism destinations to build restrooms with adult change tables and hoists.

“It’s a good opportunity for council to audit their facilities and possibly tap into this funding to increase their accessibility in their facilities,” Mr Towner said.

The government said there are more than 325,000 Victorians who rely on accessible facilities when exploring destinations, parks and events, and Companion Card holders were eligible for a free Master Locksmith Key to access the new buildings.

“The Labor government is also investing $2.5 million in new Universal Design grants to improve the accessibility of community facilities and public spaces,” the government said.

“Small grants up to $100,000 and large grants of up to $500,000 will go to building accessible infrastructure in existing facilities.”

When announcing the latest round of funding, Disability, Ageing and Carers Minister Colin Brooks said the government was ensuring the state’s well-loved tourist spots were opened up to everyone.

“Small renovations to community facilities can make a very real difference. The Universal design grants will help improve access so that more people can get the best out of their day-to-day lives, without worrying about accessibility.”

According to the Changing Places website, there is currently only one facility in the Macedon Ranges – in Gisborne.
