Kyneton to get better connected

Elsie Lange

Kyneton will be one of the 54 locations across Victoria to receive boosted internet speeds, which will include an upgrade to fibre to the premises.

On Monday, March 28, the state government announced a $73 million agreement with NBN Co to improve broadband connections using more than 1000 kilometres of fibre.

The government said over the next two years, more than 34,000 residences and approximately 7,700 businesses will be connected to the internet with speeds up to one gigabit per second, which is about 10 times faster than what is currently available.

Upgrades will be welcomed by residents, who have complained about lagging connectivity speeds for some time.

On a Facebook post about the announcement, one resident commented the mobile coverage in Kyneton was “so unreliable it is dangerous”.

Another resident said “I’m pretty happy, was looking at a $9000 quote from NBN Co via their Technology Choice program to switch from [fibre to the node] to [fibre to the premises]. Now I can get it for free, just have to wait an extra 12 months”.

In a statement, the government said part of the funding will go towards “Business Fibre Zones”, in which the government subsidises infrastructure to minimise costs for businesses – businesses in these zones can connect from April.

Government-funded fibre is set to be rolled out by mid-2924, with some locations able to connect from mid-2023, the government said.

Innovation Minister Jaala Pulford said improving the state’s internet coverage is vital.

“Better connectivity in Victoria is critical in creating more opportunities for jobs, supporting small business and keeping people connected,” Ms Pulford said.

“This project is delivering better internet services for thousands of families and businesses, now and in the future.”