Register your pets by April 10

Elsie Lange

Hume and Macedon Ranges councils have posted to their social media encouraging residents to register their pets by April 10.

The Domestic Animals Act 1994 requires domestic animals to be microchipped and registered with council by three months of age.

In a Facebook post, Hume council said registering a pet is an important part of being an owner.

“Not only because it will help us return your pet to you if it ever gets lost – registrations also help us plan pet-related services – such as dog parks and discounted cat desexing,” Hume council said.

Macedon Ranges council said residents would find renewal notices in their mail or email, with an option to renew in person or online at any point until April 10.

They asked residents to contact them if they have moved house or changed contact details, or if their pet has passed away.

Hume details:

Macedon Ranges details: