Bulla brigade hunts for new recruits

Bulla CFA members Codie Lloyd and his mum Anne Greelish. (Damjan Janevski)

The Bulla unit of the Country Fire Authority (CFA) is seeking new members to beef up its volunteer base.

Located on Green Street, Bulla CFA currently has 25 active members, with 12 that live locally and are active on a daily basis.

The unit starts the recruitment process each year toward the end of summer to allow time over the less frantic winter months to provide training.

With 17 years of emergency service experience under his belt, Bulla CFA second lieutenant Elvis Crook said the unit accepts members from any walk of life, and that they were particularly eager to promote an inclusive and diverse environment.

I personally, and the brigade, want to open up and support you to join. No matter your walk of life, we’ll welcome you,” he said.

Among the unit’s ranks, a husband, wife and son trio, all of whom live just 500 metres from the station and are always on call.

But Mr Crook said volunteers don’t necessarily have to be from the township to join, and that on top of giving back to the community, the experience also gives members tangible qualifications for the rest of their life.

“There are so many skills you pick up,” he said.

“You also get nationally recognised qualification, all training is provided, and being a volunteer means you can give as much or little time as you want.”

Details: www.cfa.vic.gov.au

Oliver Lees