Eric Boardman Pavilion upgrade complete

L - R: Cr Jack Medcraft, Sunbury MP Josh Bull, Hume mayor Joseph Haweil and Hume council chief executive officer Sheena Frost. (Supplied)

A new and improved pavilion is now open at the Eric Boardman Memorial Reserve.

The $820,000 upgrade of Pavilion 1 at the Sunbury oval included a refurbishment of the change room facilities, a modern kitchen installation and an upgraded bar space for social club activities.

The pavilion space is used regularly by Sunbury Little Athletics, the Sunbury & District Dog Obedience Club and the Sunbury Angling Club for club meet-up activities.

Further works on Pavilion 2 and 3 at the reserve are expected to be completed by 2022. These facilities are being improved to accommodate the more than 1200 members of the Sunbury Kangaroos and the Sunbury Cricket Club.

The upgrade works will assist the clubs’ efforts to improve female participation, with female-friendly change rooms installed as well as umpiring facilities, accessible toilets and general community space.

Hume mayor Joseph Haweil said the new facilities will ensure the community will have access to the facilities they need.

“Sporting clubs and community centres are the backbone of our local community and for many, act as a second home which is why this investment for players, volunteers, and people young and old at this time is so important,” Cr Haweil said.

Oliver Lees