Support for all sports

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas with Romsey Football Netball Club players (Supplied) 209306_01

Jessica Micallef

Local sport clubs can receive a helping hand as they kick-start their return to play.

Sporting clubs and associations across the Macedon Ranges can now apply for grants as part of the state government’s $40 million Victorian Community Sport Sector Short-term Survival package.

The program is aimed to assist local clubs and organisations with basic running costs and support readiness to return to play as the state eases COVID-19 restrictions.

Eligible organisations will be able to apply for funding in four categories, with grants available for amounts up to $350,000 for large state sporting associations, up to $200,000 for smaller state sporting associations, regional sports assemblies and academies and other state sport and recreational bodies, up to $15,000 for associations and leagues and up to $1000 for individual clubs.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said the program was a key component in helping associations, leagues and clubs maintain their viability and connection to the community. She encouraged all Macedon Ranges clubs to apply.

“Our local sporting clubs and organisations play such a vital role in the wellbeing of so many people across our region,” she said.

“That’s why we’re supporting them during this challenging time.

“These grants will make it that little easier for clubs to make ends meet while training recommences and we move towards a return to play.”

Applications for grants will be accepted until Monday, June 15 or until the funding allocation is exhausted.

For more information and to apply, visit: