Farmers want a future


Jessica Micallef

A scholarship to boost the expertise of young Macedon Ranges farmers is available.

The state government has launched its Upskill and Invest Young Farmers Scholarship program for 2020 to provide farmers with the opportunity to expand their skills, knowledge and agriculture expertise.

Successful applicants will be able to access study and training, as well as invest in on-farm initiatives and further professional development.

The program offers scholarships of up to $10,000 to support training and study in areas such as business and risk management and genetics and pasture management development.

Once recipients complete their studies, further funding of up to $5000 to put their new skills into practice will be made available.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said the state government will invest a further $375,000 into the program over the next three years.

“Our young farmers in the Macedon Ranges bring fresh, creative ideas to the table,” she said.

“Food producers and farmers play a vital role in our community, especially at the moment, and it’s important that we support the work our young farmers are doing.”

Applications for this year’s scholarships are now open to farmers aged 35 or under who have been working in farm businesses for at least three days a week for the past three month, with at least two years total experience on-farm.

Applications close on Sunday, June 14.

To apply: