Trail to connect towns

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas (Supplied)

Jessica Micallef

A trail connecting four major Macedon Ranges towns is a step closer to reality.

Macedon Ranges council will receive $8.75 million through the state government’s Building Works program to put towards it’s Macedon Ranges Trail Project.

The trail is designed to encourage cycling, walking and running for people of all abilities and will connect users to some of the major towns across the region.

Once complete, the trail will cover more than 23 kilometres and will link Woodend, Macedon, New Gisborne and Riddells Creek together.

Macedon Ranges council is now working with public land managers to finalise design work.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said the trail would enhance tourism offerings, access the Macedon Ranges and improve community health and social inclusion by providing a safe, shared and accessible trail for everyone.

“We need to be investing in projects now that will not only help our local economy recover from the coronavirus pandemic, but will benefit our community into the future,” she said.

“The Macedon Ranges Trail Project will create local jobs, support our local businesses and provide fantastic experience for locals and visitors to enjoy in The council endorsed the Macedon Ranges Shared Trails Feasibility Studies project at last year’s August council meeting.

The studies explored and made recommendations for the development of “enjoyable and safe” shared trail links between major towns in the region, including a trail connecting Daylesford, Woodend, Kyneton and Hanging Rock.

The Building Works package is expected to provide $2.7 billion towards projects to get people back to work.

The package includes $382 million in upgrades, maintenance and new experiences at tourism destinations across the state.