Zooming in on choir

The Cobaw With One Voice Central Victoria Choir (Supplied) 207338_02

By Laura Michell

The Cobaw With One Voice Central Victoria choir has taken its singing sessions online to help members stay connected.

Cobaw community connections manager Carly Visscher said the choir, which is funded by Creativity Australia, aims to promote social connectedness and inclusion and improve the health and wellbeing of participants through singing.

So it made sense for choir members to connect online using video conferencing platform Zoom during the coronavirus crisis, she said.

“Connecting with each other, even if it has to be online for the time being, has never been more important,” Ms Visscher said.

“If we can provide a safe space where people can laugh and enjoy the health benefits of singing, then we are doing the best we can in a time where we are more isolated than ever.”

The choir, which is led by internationally acclaimed singer and musician Gabriel Macura, recently marked its first birthday with an online celebration.

Ms Visscher said the switch to online rehearsals had resulted in new members joining the choir.

She said two people who were previously unable to attend rehearsals in Kyneton have joined the Zoom sessions.

“This has allowed us to rethink how we may move forward once we are able to reconvene in the future,” Ms Visscher said.

“Once Cobaw;s new building at 1 Caroline Chisholm Drive, Kyneton opens, we will have access to new technology that will enable us to continue to offer online access to the choir.”

To find out more about joining the choir, email withonevoice@cobaw.org.au